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We are a couple that decided to go on Working Holiday to New Zealand right after finishing university studies. We spent more than a year in New Zealand working different jobs in different places and travelling all over the country. Since then we lived in Australia for about a year thanks to our Work and Holiday visa, and we spent several months on Working Holiday in Japan. We also had the chance to travel in the Pacific, around Southeast Asia and in Europe

In this blog we would like to share detailed information about Working Holiday programs for those who would like to apply for the visa, already have the visa or are doing the first steps in the new country. 

It’s not the purpose of this blog to show only the bright side of the working holiday life, and travelling, in general, but rather to be objective. We would like to provide the information, so the reader can decide what they’re interested in. We don’t look at the reality through rose-colored glasses, and we don’t chase perfect Instagram pictures for the price of not respecting other people, animals or for the price of destroying the environment.

The travel tips on this website are probably best suited to budget travellers. On the other hand, everyone has a different concept of what low-cost travelling means for them. For us, it doesn’t mean we’re not trying to avoid paying full prices for accommodation, food or souvenirs in poor regions, but rather that we, for example, try to save money on flights with big airlines. We are budget-conscious when it comes to eating out, but at the same time, saving money on food isn’t exactly what we have in mind when it comes to low-cost travelling. Food is always part of the culture, tells us more about the country, and is a great way to bond with other people.

We sincerely hope you’ll find this blog interesting, helpful and valuable. If you have any questions or suggestions please let us know using the contact form below.